A Busy Month

A Busy Month

A Busy Month Talk about a busy month. Yes, yes, I know it’s been over a month since I last posted. However, with these developments, everything seems to be falling into place. The web application is in development. The consulting firm’s professional development courses seem to be in their final stages. I hope we can…

Nothing Comes Easy

Nothing Comes Easy

Nothing Comes Easy Climbing to the Top This is where you’d expect me to start grumbling and whining about the turn of events in the past twenty-four hours. Damn, am I tired? Sometimes I want to sit in a corner, sulk, let time fly by, and forget everything. However, that is not me. A friend…

Restarting, Now!

Restarting, Now!

Restarting, Now! Kickstarting this blogsite Damn! It’s been almost two months since my last post. I promised myself that I would diligently maintain it by posting regularly. Restarting, Now! Unfortunately, here I am, two months out, with just two posts to my credit. A whimper instead of a bang? Not to fear, I have a…