Restarting, Now!

Kickstarting this blogsite

Damn! It’s been almost two months since my last post. I promised myself that I would diligently maintain it by posting regularly.

Restarting, Now!

Unfortunately, here I am, two months out, with just two posts to my credit. A whimper instead of a bang? Not to fear, I have a ton of ideas I can write down and expound on. I always overthink a lot of things, and this would be an opportune time to document my thoughts. I just have to manage my time between work and game time.

I am actually nearing completion of the work I am doing for my business ideas. There are two ideas that I am working on. One is for a business consultancy, and another is for a startup business and IT school. I hope that the investor or investors will see my vision and fund the endeavors.

I will have to be honest; it is a pretty huge sum. However, if all these come together, the return on investment will be very profitable. I wish I could disclose most of my plans here. For now, it will have to wait.

The consulting business is the catalyst for everything. If I get this right, it should be the stepping stone for the academy. If the investor finds this profitable, they may invest more money. However, if the consultancy does well, it may fund the academy. There would be no need for any investor to establish the academy.

I simply have to time everything perfectly, get all I need in place, and launch! Let us hope for the best; one can only dream.

Until my next post! I promise to make it sooner than later.

Marty Asturias

Marty Asturias

Marty is a web developer and dabbles in graphic design and nonlinear video editing. He also maintains his blog, authored a book for his fraternity, and continues to write during his free time while learning Spanish. He is an avid video gamer as well. Marty is also a United States Air Force veteran with several tours in the Persian Gulf and an Achievement Medal awardee for his service during the Khobar Towers bombing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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